Post by americanbeauty on Nov 12, 2006 21:34:57 GMT -5
Many members asked us about how they can become an VIP member.
So we let you these conditions to follow.
1. to have over 100 post
2. partitipate AROUND all the forum constantly.
and it's very important that those post weren't made just for accessing to the vip board because we noticed that so many people only post 100 times of VERY random things just to get the password and once we have given them the password they don't post anymore.
So we have the RIGHT to give the password to those who REALLY deserve it.
If we find out that someone broke this "commitement" we'll have the obligation to take very serious mesasures about it.
Once you have what we requiere to be a VIP member, you should send a Private message (PM) to the admin and the admin will answer you the fast as possible.
The password is for PERSONAL USE ONLY, and this means that if you have the proviledge to be an VIP member you still DONT have the right to give the password to anybody else.
If we find out that someone broke OUR rules about the vip section we will habe the obligation to ban that person from the forum and they won't be able to come back. AS for the involucrated users (the one that gave the pass as the one that used the pass without permission)
For any other doubt just ask.
The admins
Muchos miembros han preguntado COMO acceder a los beneficios de un VIP Member, así que aqui les dejamos las condiciones que un miembro debe cumplir:
1. Tener sobre los 100 posts.
2. Ser participativo dentro del foro en general,
y que se note que los 100 post no solo fueron para accesar el foro vip, porque nos hemos dado cuenta que algunos postean 20 veces, obtienen la contraseña y luego no postean nunca más.
Nos reservamos el derecho de darle la contraseña a los miembros que nos parece que lo merecen.
Una vez se cumpla con los requisitos, debe enviarse un mensaje privado (PM) al usuario admin, quien les responderá con la contraseña lo antes posible.
La contraseña es de USO PERSONAL, vale decir, si ustedes poseen el privilegio de ser Miembros Vip, esto NO incluye que puedan compartir o filtrar la contraseña. Si nos llegamos a enterar que alguien pasó a llevar este "compromiso" nos veremos en la obligación de tomar fuertes medidas al respecto,
como por ejemplo, eliminarlos del foro, tanto al que "compartió" la contraseña, como al/los beneficiado/s.
Cualquier duda, posteen!
Las administradoras
Many members asked us about how they can become an VIP member.
So we let you these conditions to follow.
1. to have over 100 post
2. partitipate AROUND all the forum constantly.
and it's very important that those post weren't made just for accessing to the vip board because we noticed that so many people only post 100 times of VERY random things just to get the password and once we have given them the password they don't post anymore.
So we have the RIGHT to give the password to those who REALLY deserve it.
If we find out that someone broke this "commitement" we'll have the obligation to take very serious mesasures about it.
Once you have what we requiere to be a VIP member, you should send a Private message (PM) to the admin and the admin will answer you the fast as possible.
The password is for PERSONAL USE ONLY, and this means that if you have the proviledge to be an VIP member you still DONT have the right to give the password to anybody else.
If we find out that someone broke OUR rules about the vip section we will habe the obligation to ban that person from the forum and they won't be able to come back. AS for the involucrated users (the one that gave the pass as the one that used the pass without permission)
For any other doubt just ask.
The admins
Muchos miembros han preguntado COMO acceder a los beneficios de un VIP Member, así que aqui les dejamos las condiciones que un miembro debe cumplir:
1. Tener sobre los 100 posts.
2. Ser participativo dentro del foro en general,
y que se note que los 100 post no solo fueron para accesar el foro vip, porque nos hemos dado cuenta que algunos postean 20 veces, obtienen la contraseña y luego no postean nunca más.
Nos reservamos el derecho de darle la contraseña a los miembros que nos parece que lo merecen.
Una vez se cumpla con los requisitos, debe enviarse un mensaje privado (PM) al usuario admin, quien les responderá con la contraseña lo antes posible.
La contraseña es de USO PERSONAL, vale decir, si ustedes poseen el privilegio de ser Miembros Vip, esto NO incluye que puedan compartir o filtrar la contraseña. Si nos llegamos a enterar que alguien pasó a llevar este "compromiso" nos veremos en la obligación de tomar fuertes medidas al respecto,
como por ejemplo, eliminarlos del foro, tanto al que "compartió" la contraseña, como al/los beneficiado/s.
Cualquier duda, posteen!
Las administradoras